Which culture developed in East Africa as a result of the region’s involvement in overseas trade?

(1 point)






The culture that developed in East Africa as a result of the region's involvement in overseas trade is the Swahili culture.

The culture that developed in East Africa as a result of the region's involvement in overseas trade is the Swahili culture. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options.

1. Kushite: The Kushite culture developed in the Kingdom of Kush, which was located in Northeast Africa, primarily in present-day Sudan. While the Kingdom of Kush had trade connections and interactions with other regions, it was not centered in East Africa.

2. Nubian: The Nubian culture also developed in Northeast Africa, primarily in present-day Sudan and southern Egypt. Similar to the Kushite culture, the Nubian culture was not specifically associated with East Africa's involvement in overseas trade.

3. Zagwe: The Zagwe dynasty was a medieval dynasty that ruled over Ethiopia from the 12th to the 13th century. While Ethiopia is geographically close to East Africa, the Zagwe dynasty's development was not directly linked to East Africa's overseas trade.

By process of elimination, we can conclude that the correct answer is the Swahili culture. The Swahili culture emerged along the East African coast due to the extensive trading networks that connected the region with the Arabian Peninsula, Persia, India, and other parts of the Indian Ocean world. The Swahili people blended African, Arab, Persian, and Indian influences into their culture, language (also called Swahili), architecture, and trade practices.