What option describes the purpose of using headings in text?(1 point)


to provide stopping points for thinking about the text
to provide stopping points for thinking about the text

to draw attention to important words in the text
to draw attention to important words in the text

to make the text visually appealing
to make the text visually appealing

to show that a new idea is being introduced

to show that a new idea is being introduced

to show that a new idea is being introduced

The correct option that describes the purpose of using headings in text is "to show that a new idea is being introduced". Headings are used to organize and structure the content of a text. They provide a visual hierarchy and help readers understand the main points and organization of the text. You can identify headings by their formatting, often using larger or bolded text, and they typically introduce a new topic or idea within the text. By using headings, writers can guide readers through the text and make it easier to navigate and comprehend.