a. to make the print of the text visually appealing
b. to provide ways to include more information about the topic.
c. to help the reader follow and understand the winter's ideas.
d. to demonstrate the writer's thoughts during the writing process.

a. to make the print of the text visually appealing

Because, let's be honest, a wall of unformatted text is about as appealing as a clown with a broken nose. Formatting helps to make the text easier on the eyes and more enjoyable to read.

c. to help the reader follow and understand the writer's ideas.

The purpose of formatting a text is to make the print of the text visually appealing.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option:

a. To make the print of the text visually appealing - This option correctly describes the purpose of formatting a text. Formatting includes elements such as font styles, font sizes, line spacing, headings, and other visual features that contribute to the overall appearance of the text.

b. To provide ways to include more information about the topic - While formatting can be used to include additional information, such as footnotes or annotations, this is not the primary purpose of formatting a text.

c. To help the reader follow and understand the winter's ideas - This option seems to have a typographical error, as it mentions "winter's ideas" instead of "writer's ideas." Nonetheless, while formatting can contribute to readability, it does not specifically focus on helping the reader understand the writer's ideas.

d. To demonstrate the writer's thoughts during the writing process - Formatting may help express the writer's thoughts indirectly through visual presentation, but the primary purpose of formatting is not to demonstrate the writer's thoughts during the writing process.

Therefore, option a. to make the print of the text visually appealing is the correct answer.