Maria opens a savings account with $50 and then $19 each week. How many weeks will it take for account to reach $259? Represent this problem with an equation.


The equation that represents the problem is: 19x + 50 = 259

The correct equation representing this problem is 19x + 50 = 259, where x represents the number of weeks.

The equation that represents the given problem is:

50 + 19x = 259

In this equation, "x" represents the number of weeks it will take for Maria's savings account to reach $259, and 50 represents the initial deposit of $50. The term "19x" represents the additional amount Maria deposits each week, multiplied by the number of weeks.

To solve this equation, you need to isolate the variable "x" on one side of the equation. You can do this by performing inverse operations that will cancel out each term in the equation.

Starting with the equation: 50 + 19x = 259

First, subtract 50 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term "19x":

50 - 50 + 19x = 259 - 50
19x = 209

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 19 to solve for "x":

(19x) / 19 = 209 / 19
x = 11

Therefore, it will take 11 weeks for Maria's savings account to reach $259.