The table shows the ratios of punch and lemon-lime used to make a drink. What number fills the blanks(1 point)

Punch 5 15 35 50
Lemon-Lime 2 6 (Blank) 20

To find the number that fills the blank, we need to determine the pattern in the ratios given. Looking at the first ratio of punch to lemon-lime (5:2), we can see that the ratio is obtained by multiplying the punch by 2.5.

Applying the same pattern to the second ratio (15:6), we get a multiplier of 2.5 as well.

Therefore, we can assume that the pattern continues and the multiplier for the third ratio would also be 2.5.

Using this multiplier, we can find the number that fills the blank:

35 * 2.5 = 87.5

So, the number that fills the blank is 87.5.

To fill the blank, we can use ratio proportion to find the missing number.

The ratio of Punch to Lemon-Lime is 5:2, which simplifies to 5/2.

To find the missing number, we can set up the proportion:

5/2 = 35/x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

5x = 2 * 35
5x = 70

Now, divide both sides by 5:

x = 70/5
x = 14

So, the number that fills the blank is 14.

To find the missing number in the table, you can use the concept of ratios. A ratio compares the quantities of two or more things. In this case, we want to find the missing number in the ratio of Punch to Lemon-Lime.

The first ratio given is 5:2, which means for every 5 units of Punch, there are 2 units of Lemon-Lime. The second ratio is 15:6, maintaining the same ratio as the first. Now, we need to find the missing number that maintains the same ratio as the previous ratios.

To do this, we can find the common ratio between 5:2 and 15:6. We can do this by dividing the second number in the first ratio by the second number in the second ratio.

6 / 2 = 3

Now, we multiply the second number in the third ratio by the common ratio to find the missing number:

3 * 15 = 45

Therefore, the missing number in the table is 45.