The table shows the ratios of punch and lemon-lime used to make a drink. What are the missing values?(1 point)

Punch [5] [ ] [35] [50]
Lemon-Lime [2] [6] [ ] [20]

Punch [5] [15] [35] [50]

Lemon-Lime [2] [6] [12] [20]

To determine the missing values, we need to find a pattern in the given ratios.

Looking at the values for Punch, we can see that the numbers are increasing consecutively by 5, starting from 5. So we can fill in the missing value as 10.

Now, looking at the values for Lemon-Lime, we can see that the numbers are increasing consecutively by 4, starting from 2. So we can fill in the missing value as 10.

To determine the missing values in the table, we can use the ratios provided for punch and lemon-lime.

First, let's consider the ratio for punch. The given values for punch are 5, ?, 35, and 50. Looking at the difference between consecutive values, we can see that the ratio is increasing by 30 each time. Therefore, we can determine that the missing value must be 5 + 30 = 35.

Next, let's consider the ratio for lemon-lime. The given values for lemon-lime are 2, 6, ?, and 20. Again, looking at the difference between consecutive values, we can see that the ratio is increasing by 14 each time. Therefore, we can determine that the missing value must be 6 + 14 = 20.

Using this method, we have determined that the missing values in the table are:

Punch: [5] [35] [35] [50]
Lemon-Lime: [2] [6] [20] [20]