A student is writing a paper about important themes in the book Anne of Green Gables. Which sentence would be the best way to conclude the essay? (1 point)

Anne of Green Gables is considered children's literature, though many adults enjoy reading it.

O The author, Lucy Maud Montgomery, went on to write many other books.

O Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and


O Prince Edward Island is a real place in Canada that many people visit each year.

Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging.

The best way to conclude the essay would be: "Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging."

The best way to conclude the essay on important themes in the book Anne of Green Gables would be:

"Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging."

Explanation: This sentence concludes the essay by highlighting the enduring popularity of the book due to its universal themes of love and belonging. It ties back to the main topic of the paper and sums up the significance of the themes discussed throughout the essay. Additionally, it provides a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.