Canadian businesses and citizens have a lot of economic freedom because the government has a ________________ role in the economy. (1 point)







Canadian businesses and citizens have a lot of economic freedom because the government has a limited role in the economy.

To find the answer to this question, we can look at the concept of economic freedom and the role of the government in Canada. Economic freedom refers to the ability of individuals and businesses to make their own economic decisions and engage in voluntary transactions without significant government intervention or restrictions.

In Canada, the government has adopted a more market-oriented approach to the economy, with a focus on free trade, competition, and private enterprise. This means that the government's role is limited in terms of regulations, control, and ownership of businesses. The government aims to create an enabling environment that allows businesses and citizens to flourish and make their own economic choices.

Therefore, the correct answer is "limited" because the limited role of the government in the economy allows for more economic freedom for Canadian businesses and citizens.