Which of the following should be done to both sides of the equation x + 11 = −17 to solve the value of x ? (1 point)


subtract 17
subtract 17

add 17
add 17

subtract 11
subtract 11

add 11
add 11

subtract 11

To solve for the value of x in the equation x + 11 = -17, we need to perform the same operation on both sides of the equation to maintain equality. In this case, we should subtract 11 from both sides of the equation.

To solve for the value of x in the equation "x + 11 = -17," you need to isolate x on one side of the equation. To do this, you perform the same operation on both sides of the equation in order to maintain balance.

In this case, since there is a positive 11 added to x, you need to subtract 11 from both sides of the equation.

The correct answer is:
- Subtract 11 from both sides.

This will result in:
(x + 11) - 11 = -17 - 11
x + 0 = -28
x = -28

Therefore, the value of x is -28.