If you have $20, then you spend $10, which direction would the point representing the money you have remaining move on a horizontal number line? (1 point)

Item 1

Item 2


O upward

Item 3

to the right

item 4

O downward

to the left

Item 5

to the left

When you have $20 and spend $10, you would have $10 remaining. Since the amount of money you have remaining decreases, the point representing the money would move to the left on a horizontal number line.

To answer this question, let's first understand the situation. We have $20 initially, and then we spend $10. The question is asking about the direction the point representing the remaining money would move on a horizontal number line.

To solve this, we can use basic arithmetic. Start with $20 and subtract $10 that was spent.

$20 - $10 = $10

Now, let's consider the horizontal number line. The positive direction on a horizontal number line is typically to the right, and the negative direction is to the left.

Since we started with $20 and spent $10, the remaining money is $10. Since $10 is less than $20, the point representing the remaining money will move to the left on the horizontal number line.

Therefore, the correct answer is "to the left" (item 5).