If you have $20, then you spend $10, which direction would the point representing the money you have remaining move on a horizontal number line?(1 point)




to the right
to the right

to the left

to the left

The direction the point representing the money you have remaining would move on a horizontal number line after spending $10 would be to the left.

To determine in which direction the point representing the remaining money would move on a horizontal number line, we can use basic arithmetic.

We start with $20 and then spend $10. The act of spending money reduces the total amount we have. In this case, it reduces it by $10.

When we subtract $10 from $20, we have $20 - $10 = $10 remaining.

On a number line, moving to the right represents increasing values, while moving to the left represents decreasing values.

Since we now have $10 remaining, which is less than the original $20, the point representing the remaining money would move to the left on the horizontal number line.