Which of the following is one question to ask when evaluating an introduction?(1 point)

How did the writer grab the attention of the reader?
How did the writer grab the attention of the reader?

How many sentences does the introduction have?
How many sentences does the introduction have?

Does the introduction have a strong closing idea?
Does the introduction have a strong closing idea?

What support is provided to explain the topic? 

What support is provided to explain the topic?

What support is provided to explain the topic?

To evaluate an introduction, you can ask the question: "What support is provided to explain the topic?" This question helps you determine if the introduction includes enough information or evidence to convey the main idea and set the context for the rest of the content. To find the answer, read the introduction carefully and look for any statements, examples, statistics, or anecdotes that provide clarification or background information on the topic being discussed. Evaluating the support provided in the introduction can help determine its effectiveness in engaging the reader and establishing the purpose of the text.