One of the two primary purposes of the Constitution’s preamble was to(1 point)

explain the reason behind the bill of rights

introduce each of the 27 amendments

determine how to keep the united states peaceful

outline the six goals for the country

outline the six goals for the country

The correct answer is:

outline the six goals for the country

To determine the answer, we can analyze the content and function of the Constitution's preamble. The preamble serves as the introductory statement to the United States Constitution and provides insights into its purpose and goals.

From the given options, we can eliminate a few choices based on the nature of the preamble. While the preamble does not explicitly mention the Bill of Rights or the 27 amendments, it does lay the foundation for the principles on which they are based. Therefore, we can exclude options (1) and (2).

The preamble also does not explicitly address how to keep the United States peaceful, as it primarily focuses on the broader objectives of the government rather than specific tactics or strategies. Therefore, we can exclude option (3).

This leaves us with the final option: "outline the six goals for the country." The Constitution's preamble does indeed outline the broad goals for the country. It begins with the famous phrase "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." These six goals serve as guiding principles for the creation and functioning of the government.

Therefore, the correct answer is: outline the six goals for the country.