Maria's resung heart rate is 240 beast per three minutes wha is her heart rate permibute

To calculate Maria's heart rate per minute, you need to divide her heart rate per three minutes by three.

240 beats per three minutes / 3 minutes = 80 beats per minute

Therefore, Maria's heart rate per minute is 80 beats.

To convert from beats per three minutes to beats per minute (BPM), you need to divide the heart rate by the time interval.

In this case, Maria's heart rate is 240 beats per three minutes. To find her heart rate per minute, you need to divide 240 by 3.

240 beats / 3 minutes = 80 beats per minute

Therefore, Maria's heart rate is 80 beats per minute.

To calculate Maria's heart rate per minute, we need to convert her heart rate from "beats per three minutes" to "beats per minute."

To do this, we can use the following formula:

Heart Rate per minute = Heart Rate per three minutes / 3

Using the given heart rate of Maria, which is 240 beats per three minutes, we can substitute the values into the formula:

Heart Rate per minute = 240 / 3

Dividing 240 by 3 gives us:

Heart Rate per minute = 80

Therefore, Maria's heart rate per minute is 80 beats per minute.