The average newborn weighs 7.5 pounds. About 4.1x10^6 babies are born in the United States every year. What is the Approximate total weight in pounds of all the babies born in the U.S. in a year? Write the answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place

To find the approximate total weight in pounds of all the babies born in the U.S. in a year, we can multiply the average weight of a newborn (7.5 pounds) by the number of babies born in a year (4.1x10^6).

First, let's calculate the multiplication:
Approximate total weight = Average weight of a newborn * Number of babies born
= 7.5 pounds * 4.1x10^6

To multiply 7.5 by 4.1x10^6, we will multiply the numerical part and add the exponents:
Approximate total weight = 7.5 * 4.1 = 30.75
To calculate the exponent part, we add the exponents:
Approximate total weight = 30.75 * 10^(6+0)

Since the exponent part is 6+0=6, the answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place, is:
Approximate total weight = 3.075 x 10^7 pounds.

To find the total weight of all the babies born in the U.S. in a year, we need to multiply the average weight of a newborn by the number of babies born.

Total weight = Average weight × Number of babies

In scientific notation, the average weight of a newborn is 7.5 pounds written as 7.5 × 10^0 pounds.

The number of babies born in the U.S. in a year is 4.1 × 10^6 babies.

Multiplying these two numbers in scientific notation, we get:

Total weight = (7.5 × 10^0) × (4.1 × 10^6)
= (7.5 × 4.1) × (10^0 × 10^6) (Using the multiplication rule of exponents)
= 30.75 × 10^6

As per the question, we need to express the answer in scientific notation, which means the decimal place is exact. Therefore, the total weight of all the babies born in the U.S. in a year is approximately 30.75 × 10^6 pounds.

To find the approximate total weight of all the babies born in the U.S. in a year, we can multiply the average weight of a newborn by the total number of babies born.

Average weight of a newborn = 7.5 pounds
Total number of babies born = 4.1x10^6

To calculate the total weight, we multiply these two numbers:

Total weight = Average weight of a newborn x Total number of babies born
= 7.5 pounds x 4.1x10^6
= 30.75x10^6 pounds

The answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place, is approximately 3.075x10^7 pounds.