The average newborn weighs 7.5 pounds. About 4.1×10^6 babies are born in the United States every year. What is the approximate total weight in pounds of all the babies born in the U.S. in a year? Write the answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

Apologies for the mistake. Let's calculate it correctly.

The average weight of a newborn is 7.5 pounds. There are 4.1 × 10^6 babies born in the United States every year.

To find the total weight, we multiply the average weight by the number of babies:

7.5 pounds/baby * 4.1 × 10^6 babies = 3.075 × 10^7 pounds.

Thus, the approximate total weight of all babies born in the U.S. in a year is 3.075 × 10^7 pounds.

Apologies for the confusion. Let's break down the calculation step by step:

Step 1: Multiply the average weight of a newborn (7.5 pounds) by the number of babies born in the United States (4.1 × 10^6):
7.5 pounds/baby × 4.1 × 10^6 babies = 30,750,000 pounds

Step 2: Express the result in scientific notation:
30,750,000 pounds can be written as 3.075 × 10^7 pounds

Therefore, the approximate total weight of all babies born in the U.S. in a year is 3.075 × 10^7 pounds.

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Answer not the work

In a given year, about 1.52×10^10 pieces of first-class mail are delivered in the U.S. If each piece of mail carries a stamp costing $0.55, what is the total cost in dollars to deliver all the pieces? Write the answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

To find the total cost to deliver all the pieces of first-class mail, we need to multiply the number of pieces by the cost per piece.

1.52 × 10^10 pieces * $0.55/piece = $8.36 × 10^9 dollars

Therefore, the total cost to deliver all the pieces of first-class mail is approximately $8.36 × 10^9.

To find the approximate total weight of all babies born in the U.S. in a year, we need to multiply the average weight of a newborn by the number of babies born.

7.5 pounds/baby * 4.1×10^6 babies = 31,500,000 pounds.

This can be expressed in scientific notation as 3.15 × 10^7 pounds.