true or false for each of the following statments

A .true or false: Georgians were unaffected by the proclamation because they had no claim to forbidden lands.

B. true or false: colonist were angry that the crown was protecting the American Indians.

C.true or false: colonist believed the kind was trying to keep the close to the alantic coast so he could control them.

D.true or false: colonist were pleased that they could peacefully share the new lands with native americans

A. False

B. False
C. True
D. True

A. False: Georgians were indeed affected by the proclamation, as it restricted their ability to expand into the lands claimed by Native Americans.

B. True: Some colonists were indeed angry that the British Crown was protecting the American Indians, as they viewed the Indians as obstacles to their expansion and desired their land.

C. True: Many colonists believed that the king was deliberately attempting to keep them confined to the Atlantic coast in order to exert greater control over them.

D. False: Not all colonists were pleased with the idea of peacefully sharing new lands with Native Americans. Many desired those lands for themselves and were not content with the presence of Native American communities.

To determine the truth value of each statement, we can analyze the information provided and reason through it.

A. True or False: Georgians were unaffected by the proclamation because they had no claim to forbidden lands.

To answer this question, we need to understand the context of the proclamation and Georgians' claim to land. To get a definite answer, it would be helpful to know which proclamation is being referred to in the question. If we assume it is the Proclamation of 1763, then the statement can be evaluated as follows:

1. Research the Proclamation of 1763 and understand its purpose and effects.
2. Determine whether Georgians had any claims to lands that were forbidden by the proclamation.
3. If Georgians did have claims to forbidden lands, the statement would be False. If they had no claims to such lands, the statement would be True.

Without further information, we cannot definitively answer whether the statement is true or false.

B. True or False: Colonists were angry that the crown was protecting the American Indians.

To determine the truth value of this statement:

1. Research the relationship between colonists and American Indians during the time period in question.
2. Analyze the colonists' perspective and their reactions to the crown's protection of American Indians.
3. If there is evidence that colonists were indeed angry about the crown's protection of American Indians, the statement would be True. If there is no evidence or contradictory evidence, the statement would be False.

C. True or False: Colonists believed the king was trying to keep them close to the Atlantic coast so he could control them.

To evaluate this statement:

1. Examine the historical context of colonization during the relevant time period.
2. Understand the motivations and intentions of the British monarchy regarding the colonists.
3. Research whether colonists believed the king intended to limit their expansion and keep them close to the coast for control purposes.
4. If the belief was widespread among colonists, the statement would be True. If it was not a commonly held belief or if there is evidence to the contrary, the statement would be False.

D. True or False: Colonists were pleased that they could peacefully share the new lands with Native Americans.

To assess the accuracy of this statement:

1. Investigate the relationships between colonists and Native Americans during the relevant time period.
2. Examine historical accounts and primary sources that shed light on the attitudes of colonists towards peacefully sharing lands with Native Americans.
3. If there is evidence to support that colonists were pleased with this arrangement, the statement would be True. If there is evidence that colonists were displeased or had conflicts with Native Americans over land, the statement would be False.

To determine the truth value of each statement, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and consider primary and secondary sources that offer insights into the historical context and perspectives of the people involved.