Select True or False for each of the following statements about the colonists reactions to the Proclamation of 1763.

Georgians were unaffected by the proclamation because they had no claim to forbidden lands. True or false?

Colonists were angry that the crown was protecting the American Indians. True or false?

Colonists believed the king was trying to keep them close to the Atlantic coast so he could control them. True or false?

Colonists were pleased that they could peacefully share the new lands with Native Americans. True or false?









To determine the accuracy of each of the statements regarding the colonists' reactions to the Proclamation of 1763, we can analyze historical records and accounts of this event and its aftermath.

1. Georgians were unaffected by the proclamation because they had no claim to forbidden lands.
To determine if this statement is true or false, we need to understand the impact of the Proclamation of 1763 on Georgia and its inhabitants. The Proclamation restricted British colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains, including parts of Georgia. Therefore, this statement is false. The Proclamation did affect Georgians as it limited their ability to expand into lands previously available to them.

2. Colonists were angry that the crown was protecting the American Indians.
To assess the validity of this statement, we need to examine the colonists' general sentiment towards the Proclamation and its provisions to protect Native American lands. While some colonists did express frustration and resentment towards the crown for restricting their westward expansion, it is more accurate to say that their anger primarily stemmed from the limitations imposed on their own ambitions rather than specifically due to the protection of Native Americans. To reflect this, we can categorize this statement as false.

3. Colonists believed the king was trying to keep them close to the Atlantic coast so he could control them.
To determine the accuracy of this statement, we need to consider the motivations attributed to the British crown concerning the Proclamation. Many colonists at the time believed that the King and British government were attempting to maintain tighter control over the colonies by restricting their westward expansion. This limitation was perceived as a means to more effectively govern and regulate the colonists. Therefore, this statement is true.

4. Colonists were pleased that they could peacefully share the new lands with Native Americans.
To evaluate the accuracy of this statement, we need to understand the general sentiment of the colonists towards sharing the newly acquired lands with Native Americans due to the Proclamation. However, the Proclamation of 1763 created conflicts and tensions between the colonists and Native American tribes as it limited the settlers' ability to encroach on Native American territories. Therefore, this statement is false.

In summary:
1. False: Georgians were affected by the proclamation.
2. False: Colonists were primarily angry about the limitations on their own expansion.
3. True: Colonists believed the king was trying to control them through the Proclamation.
4. False: Colonists were not pleased about sharing lands with Native Americans due to the Proclamation.