what achievements were made in ancient Islam from 900CE to 1000CE

During the period from 900 CE to 1000 CE, ancient Islam witnessed significant achievements and advancements in various fields. Here are some notable achievements made during this period:

1. Advancement in Mathematics: The Arabic numerals and the decimal system were further developed and spread during this time. Muslim mathematician Al-Khwarizmi's book Al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr wa'l-muqabala laid the foundation for algebra, introducing systematic methods for solving linear and quadratic equations.

2. Astronomical Knowledge: Islamic scholars actively studied and expanded upon the field of astronomy. Notable achievements include Al-Farghani's "Elements of Astronomy," which summarized Greek and Indian astronomy, and Ibn al-Haytham's works on optics and the study of light.

3. Medicine and Medical Texts: Islamic scholars greatly contributed to medical knowledge during this period. Ibn Sina (Avicenna) wrote the Canon of Medicine, which became a standard medical textbook in Europe for centuries. This comprehensive work covered a wide range of topics and greatly influenced medicine in both the Islamic world and Europe.

4. Preservation of Greek and Roman Knowledge: Islamic scholars played a crucial role in preserving and translating ancient Greek, Roman, Persian, and Indian works. These translations allowed the preservation and transmission of knowledge that would later profoundly impact the European Renaissance.

5. Advancements in Architecture: An architectural masterpiece from this period is the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Spain. Its unique design combines Islamic and Byzantine elements and showcases the Muslim world's architectural expertise.

6. Development of Trade and Commerce: Islamic civilization played a vital role in developing international trade networks during this time. Centrally located, cities such as Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba became major trading hubs connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe.

7. Literature and Poetry: Islamic scholars made notable contributions to Arabic literature and poetry during this period. Prominent poets, such as Abu al-Hasan al-Mutanabbi, celebrated the virtues of Arab Bedouin culture and inspired Arabic poetry's Golden Age.

These achievements reflect the profound advancements made in the Islamic world during this period, which continue to have a lasting impact on various disciplines even today.

During the period 900 CE to 1000 CE, significant achievements were made in various fields in the Islamic world. Here are some notable achievements:

1. Advancements in Mathematics: Islamic mathematicians made significant contributions during this period. The Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi introduced the decimal numeral system and developed algebra. His work, including his famous book "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing," laid the groundwork for modern algebra and the concept of algorithms.

2. Preservation of Ancient Knowledge: Islamic scholars played a crucial role in preserving and translating ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian texts into Arabic. These texts covered diverse subjects like philosophy, mathematics, medicine, and astronomy, which greatly influenced subsequent Islamic scholarship as well as the Renaissance in Europe.

3. Medical Innovations: Islamic physicians made significant advancements in medicine. Ibn al-Nafis, an Arab physician, described the pulmonary circulation of blood more accurately than previous theories, challenging the accepted views of the Greek scholar Galen. Another Arabian physician, Al-Zahrawi, wrote a comprehensive medical encyclopedia known as "Al-Tasrif," which covered various medical fields and surgical techniques.

4. Architectural Marvels: The architectural achievements during this period include the construction of iconic landmarks. The Great Mosque of Cordoba in Spain, with its distinctive horseshoe arches and intricate geometric patterns, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and represents the fusion of Islamic and European architectural styles.

5. Cultural and Intellectual Centers: Throughout the Islamic world, intellectual centers known as "Madrasas" emerged during this period. These institutions were not only places of education but also centers for scientific, philosophical, and religious discourse. Scholars from different regions gathered in these centers, contributing to the exchange of ideas and fostering intellectual growth.

6. Expansion of Trade and Ideas: The Islamic world experienced significant commercial expansion during this period, as trade routes were established with various regions including Africa, Europe, and Asia. This led to cultural exchange and the introduction of new ideas, technologies, and products into the Islamic civilization. Cities like Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba became hubs of economic and intellectual activity.

It's important to note that this is just a small selection of achievements from the broader Islamic civilization during the specified timeframe. The Islamic Golden Age, which lasted from the 8th to the 14th centuries, witnessed numerous advancements and contributions in various fields, leaving an indelible impact on human civilization.

To find out about the achievements made in ancient Islam between 900CE and 1000CE, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by narrowing down your search to the specific time period you're interested in: 900CE to 1000CE.

2. Use reputable sources such as academic databases, historical books, or reliable websites. Some recommended sources include academic journals, university publications, or websites like Encyclopedia Britannica or the Oxford Islamic Studies Online.

3. Search for keywords like "achievements," "advancements," "discoveries," or "contributions" in the field of Islamic civilization during the specified time period.

4. Explore various areas of Islamic civilization that could have experienced advancements, such as science, mathematics, medicine, architecture, literature, philosophy, or arts.

5. While searching, keep in mind that Islamic civilization during this time was spread across different regions, including the Abbasid Caliphate, the Umayyad Caliphate in Spain, and various other independent Muslim kingdoms. Therefore, it is important to consider achievements from different regions.

By following these steps, you should be able to gather information about the achievements made in ancient Islam between 900CE and 1000CE. Remember to critically analyze and cross-reference the information you find to ensure its credibility.