In the call of the wild, what happened to Charles, Hal, and Mercedes

They died by falling into a crevasse on the trail

They died by drowning in a freezing river

They died by freezing to death

In "The Call of the Wild," Charles, Hal, and Mercedes are inexperienced gold prospectors who bring their large dog team to travel to the Klondike to search for gold. However, their inexperience and mistreatment of their dogs lead to a tragic outcome. As they face harsh winter conditions on their journey, they are ill-prepared for the challenges they encounter. Eventually, they become stranded on a frozen river with thin ice that breaks under their weight, leading to their deaths by drowning in the freezing river.

In the novel "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London, Charles, Hal, and Mercedes are a group of inexperienced gold prospectors who join the main character, Buck, on his journey to the Klondike during the Alaskan gold rush. Unfortunately, their lack of knowledge and preparedness leads to their tragic demise. Charles, Hal, and Mercedes ultimately perish by freezing to death in the harsh Alaskan winter. Their lack of understanding of the environment and their mistreatment of their sled dogs, including Buck, contribute to their unfortunate fate.

In the novel "The Call of the Wild" by Jack London, Charles, Hal, and Mercedes were inexperienced and ill-prepared travelers who embarked on a treacherous journey during the Klondike Gold Rush. To find out what happened to them, we need to look at the events in the story.

To get a more accurate answer to your question, it would be best to read the novel or consult a reliable source such as a book summary or analysis. By doing so, you can get a comprehensive understanding of the characters' fate and the circumstances leading to their demise.

If you haven't read the novel, you can find summaries, analyses, or even book reviews online. Websites like SparkNotes, CliffsNotes, or Goodreads are great resources to explore. Simply search for "The Call of the Wild summary" or "The Call of the Wild character analysis" to find the information you're looking for.

Remember, relying on reliable sources and reading the original material is crucial to get accurate answers to questions about specific books or novels.