Which of the following does not contain vitamin EC nuts, and grains whole wheat germ

Nuts do contain vitamin E. Therefore, whole wheat germ does not contain vitamin E.

Nuts and whole wheat germ are sources of vitamin E. Grains, on the other hand, do not typically contain high levels of vitamin E.

To determine which of the following does not contain vitamin E - nuts and whole wheat germ - we need to understand the sources of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found naturally in some foods. It is commonly found in nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Whole wheat germ, being derived from wheat, is also considered a potential source of vitamin E.

To confirm whether nuts contain vitamin E, you can search for individual nut varieties and their nutritional information. Many nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and peanuts are known to be good sources of vitamin E.

To verify whether whole wheat germ contains vitamin E, you can check the nutritional information of whole wheat germ products or search for scientific studies that analyze its nutritional content.

By examining reliable sources, such as nutritional databases or research studies, you can determine whether nuts or whole wheat germ contain vitamin E. Based on the information you gather, you will be able to identify which of the options provided does not contain vitamin E.