Click on the play button below to listen to a chord. Is this a major triad?

(1 point)




To determine if the chord is a major triad, you would need to listen to the chord and analyze its sound. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I cannot listen to audio files. Please provide a description of the chord, and I will do my best to help you determine if it is a major triad.

To determine if the chord is a major triad, you will need to listen to the chord and analyze its notes. A major triad consists of three notes: the root, the major third, and the perfect fifth. The root is the starting note of the chord, the major third is four semitones above the root, and the perfect fifth is seven semitones above the root.

To determine if the chord is a major triad, follow these steps:
1. Click on the play button below to listen to the chord.
2. Identify the root note of the chord.
3. Count up four semitones from the root note. Check if the second note in the chord is at this interval.
4. Count up seven semitones from the root note. Verify if the third note in the chord is at this interval.
5. If the chord has these three notes in the correct intervals (root, major third, and perfect fifth), then it is a major triad.

Based on the given responses, "yes" appears twice. To confirm if the chord is a major triad, you will need to click on the play button and follow the steps provided above.