factor this expression completly


To factor the expression -21x + 28 completely, we can first factor out the greatest common factor, which is 7:

-21x + 28 becomes 7(-3x + 4).

Now, we can see that the expression cannot be factored any further since -3x + 4 is not divisible by any common factors.

To factor the expression -21x + 28 completely, let's start by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of the two terms.

The GCF of -21x and 28 is 7. Now, we can factor out the GCF:

-21x + 28 = 7(-3x + 4)

So the completely factored form of the expression -21x + 28 is 7(-3x + 4).

To factor the expression -21x + 28 completely, we need to look for the greatest common factor (GCF) and then use the distributive property to factor out the GCF from each term.

Step 1: Find the GCF of the coefficients (-21 and 28) and the variables (x).

The GCF of -21 and 28 is 7. The GCF of x is 1.

Step 2: Factor out the GCF from each term.

To factor out 7, we divide each term by 7:
-21x ÷ 7 = -3x
28 ÷ 7 = 4

Step 3: Write the expression in factored form.

Putting it all together, the factored form of the expression -21x + 28 is:
7(-3x + 4)