In chapter 3 in The baby and the bathwater, what caused 14 month old Katie to be sick?

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific book chapters or their contents. Furthermore, "The baby and the bathwater" doesn't appear to be a well-known or widely-referenced book. It's possible that it might be a lesser-known or niche publication. If you provide more information about the book or the specific context of the chapter, I might be able to assist you better.

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific book chapters or their content. Additionally, "The baby and the bathwater" does not appear to be a specific book title that I am familiar with. It would be best if you could provide more information or clarification about the book or the specific illness. I'll do my best to help you with any other questions you may have.

To find out what caused 14-month-old Katie to be sick in chapter 3 of "The Baby and the Bathwater," you will need to refer to the book itself or any relevant sources that may have summarized or reviewed the chapter. As an AI language model, I do not have access to specific book chapters or their contents. However, I can provide general guidance on how to search for information within a book:

1. Read the chapter: If you have access to the book, go to chapter 3 and carefully read the content. The cause of Katie's sickness might be mentioned explicitly or hinted at within the chapter.

2. Use the book index: Check the book's index, if available, to see if it lists specific topics or events related to sickness or Katie's condition. This may direct you to relevant pages where the information is discussed.

3. Seek summaries or reviews: Look for reviews, online discussions, or book summaries that cover chapter 3 of "The Baby and the Bathwater." These sources might provide a brief overview of the chapter's content, potentially mentioning the cause of Katie's sickness.

4. Consult discussion forums or book clubs: Join online forums or communities focused on the book "The Baby and the Bathwater." Engage with readers or participants who have already read the chapter or have insights into the plot details.

Remember, it's important to rely on the book itself or reputable sources related to the book to ensure accurate information.