What was unknown to scientists during Wegener’s time?(1 point) Responses Fossils were found in many places. Fossils were found in many places. Mountain ranges of some continents lined up. Mountain ranges of some continents lined up. The coasts of some continents fit together. The coasts of some continents fit together. Earth’s crust is made of plates that move.

The correct response is: Earth’s crust is made of plates that move.

During Wegener's time, scientists were unaware that Earth's crust is made of plates that move.

During Wegener's time, scientists did not yet know that the Earth's crust is made up of tectonic plates that move. This concept, known as plate tectonics, explains how continents drift and move over time. Wegener's theory of continental drift proposed the idea that the continents were once joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea and later separated and moved to their current positions. However, he was unable to provide a mechanism for this movement. It wasn't until several decades later that scientists discovered the existence of tectonic plates and the processes behind their movement, which provided a more complete understanding of the Earth's geological activity.