Which represents an Aztec adaption to their environment

A. a surplus of farmed crops
B. An Accurate 365 day calendar.
C. A system of causeways.
D. Farming in Terrance’s

C. A system of causeways.

The correct answer is: C. A system of causeways.

The Aztecs, who inhabited the area that is present-day Mexico, had to adapt to their environment to thrive. One of the ways they did this was by creating a system of causeways. These causeways were raised pathways or bridges that allowed the Aztecs to navigate and transport goods across the various lakes and marshes in the region. This adaptation helped them overcome the geographical challenges of their environment and facilitated trade and communication between different parts of their civilization.

To find the answer to the question, we need to understand what Aztec adaptation to their environment means and then analyze each option.

Aztec adaptation to their environment refers to the strategies or practices that the Aztecs developed in order to survive and thrive in their specific geographical and environmental conditions.

Now let's analyze each option:

A. A surplus of farmed crops: This refers to the ability to produce excess crops beyond what is needed for immediate consumption. While having a surplus of farmed crops can be advantageous, it does not necessarily represent a specific adaptation to the Aztec environment.

B. An Accurate 365 day calendar: This refers to the Aztec calendar system, which was highly sophisticated and allowed them to accurately track the annual cycle. This can be seen as an adaptation to their environment because it helped them plan agricultural activities and religious ceremonies based on the seasonal changes in their specific region.

C. A system of causeways: Causeways were raised roads or pathways built by the Aztecs to connect their cities and settlements across the marshy and watery areas of the Valley of Mexico. The construction of causeways can be considered as an adaptation to their environment because it helped them navigate and overcome the challenges posed by the waterlogged terrain.

D. Farming in terraces: Farming in terraces refers to cultivating crops on stepped or layered agricultural platforms built into hillsides or elevated areas. While there is evidence that other Mesoamerican civilizations practiced terrace farming, it is not specifically attributed to the Aztecs. Therefore, it cannot be considered a direct adaptation to their environment.

Based on the above analysis, the answer that represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment is:

C. A system of causeways