1.10 Employees with relatively week higher-order needs are concerned with variety and autonomy (1)

b) More
c) Very

d) Extremely

a) Less

b) More

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of higher-order needs and their relationship with variety and autonomy.

Higher-order needs are psychological needs identified in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. These needs include esteem needs, such as the desire for recognition and respect, and self-actualization needs, which involve personal growth and self-fulfillment.

In the question, it says "Employees with relatively week higher-order needs are concerned with variety and autonomy." This means that employees who have weaker higher-order needs are more likely to value variety and autonomy in their work.

Now let's look at the answer options:
a) Less - This option suggests that employees with weaker higher-order needs would be concerned with less variety and autonomy, which is incorrect based on the information provided in the question.
b) More - This option suggests that employees with weaker higher-order needs would be concerned with more variety and autonomy. This aligns with the information provided, so it could be the correct answer.
c) Very - This option does not provide any context or clarify the relationship between weak higher-order needs and variety/autonomy.
d) Extremely - Similar to option c, this option does not provide any additional information.

Based on this analysis, I would say that the correct answer is b) More.