The pharaoh, Hatshepsut, had herself portrayed as a/an _______________________________.

(2 points)

man with a male body and a false beard.
man with a male body and a false beard.

serious woman with a large body and short hair.
serious woman with a large body and short hair.

strong figure with a large torso and fists.
strong figure with a large torso and fists.

an elegant woman with a long neck and large eyes.

serious woman with a large body and short hair.

man with a male body and a false beard.

The correct answer is: an elegant woman with a long neck and large eyes.

To answer the question about how the pharaoh Hatshepsut portrayed herself, we need to have some background knowledge about ancient Egyptian art and the different ways pharaohs were depicted.

One way to approach finding the answer is to do some research on Hatshepsut and her reign as pharaoh. This could involve consulting books, articles, or reliable online sources that detail her life and accomplishments.

Once you have gathered the necessary information, you can focus on the portrayal of Hatshepsut in art. Ancient Egyptian art was highly symbolic and often depicted pharaohs in a specific way to convey their power and authority. Looking at various artistic representations of Hatshepsut would help determine how she chose to depict herself during her reign.

In this case, the answer states that Hatshepsut had herself portrayed as an elegant woman with a long neck and large eyes. The other options, such as a man with a male body and false beard or a serious woman with a large body and short hair, are incorrect and not consistent with historical representations of Hatshepsut.

Therefore, through research and analysis of ancient Egyptian artwork and historical sources, we can determine that Hatshepsut chose to portray herself as an elegant woman with a long neck and large eyes.