In the solfège system, which syllable is assigned to the sixth note of the scale? (1 point) Responses la la sol sol fa fa ti

The syllable assigned to the sixth note of the scale in the solfège system is "la".

In the solfège system, the syllable assigned to the sixth note of the scale is "la."

To determine which syllable is assigned to the sixth note of the scale in the solfège system, you need to understand the solfège syllables and their corresponding notes. In the solfège system, each note of a musical scale is assigned a specific syllable. Here are the solfège syllables in order: do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.

To find the syllable assigned to the sixth note of the scale, simply count up the notes. In this case, the sixth note would be "la." So, the correct answer is "la."