The code of Hammurabi (1772 BC) includes laws focusing on contracts. What type of US law is based on the code of Hammurabi?






The type of US law that is based on the code of Hammurabi is Civil law.

The Code of Hammurabi, an ancient Babylonian legal code, includes laws that cover a wide range of subjects, including contracts. It is considered one of the earliest known legal codes in history.

Now, to answer the question about what type of US law is based on the Code of Hammurabi, we need to consider the nature of the Code of Hammurabi itself. The Code of Hammurabi primarily consists of civil laws, which govern private legal matters between individuals, families, and businesses, rather than criminal or constitutional matters.

Therefore, the type of US law that is based on the Code of Hammurabi is civil law. Civil law in the United States deals with private legal disputes, such as contracts, property matters, family law, and tort law, among others.

It is worth noting that while some principles and concepts from the Code of Hammurabi may have influenced the development of systems of law in various ancient civilizations, including aspects of early Roman law, the US legal system itself is not directly based on the Code of Hammurabi. However, the existence of civil laws in the Code of Hammurabi, which took into account contractual matters, reflects the historical significance and influence of the code on legal systems around the world, including modern civil law systems.