what were some influnces on self-goverment? select all that apply

commentaries on the laws of england
the columbian exchange
english bill of rights
poor richards almanac

i need 2 anwers

The influences on self-government are:

1. Commentaries on the Laws of England
2. English Bill of Rights

Two influences on self-government are Commentaries on the Laws of England and English Bill of Rights.

To determine the influences on self-government, let's analyze each option:

1. Commentaries on the Laws of England: This refers to Sir William Blackstone's influential book, which explained the English legal system. It focused on individual rights and the idea of the rule of law, which greatly influenced the development of self-government.

2. The Columbian Exchange: While the Columbian Exchange had significant impacts on various aspects of society, such as introducing new crops and diseases, it did not directly influence self-government.

3. English Bill of Rights: This document, enacted in 1689, played a crucial role in the development of self-government. It emphasized individual liberties, limited the power of the monarchy, and established principles like the right to petition the government.

4. Poor Richard's Almanac: Written by Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac was a collection of practical advice and maxims. While it may have influenced popular thinking and self-improvement, it did not significantly impact self-government.

Based on the above analysis, the two answers that apply are:

- Commentaries on the Laws of England
- English Bill of Rights