what were some influnces on self-goverment? select all that apply

commentaries on the laws of england
the columbian exchange
english bill of rights
poor richards almanac

commentaries on the laws of England

English Bill of Rights

Poor Richard's Almanac

The influences on self-government include:

1. Commentaries on the Laws of England: Commentaries on the Laws of England, written by Sir William Blackstone, provided a comprehensive analysis of English law. It influenced the understanding of legal principles and the concept of self-government.

2. The Columbian Exchange: The Columbian Exchange refers to the exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Christopher Columbus' voyages. This exchange played a role in shaping colonial economies and fostering ideas related to self-government.

3. English Bill of Rights: The English Bill of Rights, enacted in 1689, limited the power of the English monarchy and established certain rights of the people. It influenced the development of democratic ideals in the colonies and inspired the later American Bill of Rights.

4. Poor Richard's Almanac: Poor Richard's Almanac was a publication written by Benjamin Franklin. It contained various practical advice, proverbs, and aphorisms. While it may have influenced public opinion and individual behavior, it had a less direct impact on the development of self-government compared to other factors listed above.

Therefore, the influences on self-government are Commentaries on the Laws of England, The Columbian Exchange, and the English Bill of Rights.

To determine the influences on self-government, let's examine each of the options:

1. Commentaries on the Laws of England: This refers to the works of Sir William Blackstone, an 18th-century English jurist. His book, "Commentaries on the Laws of England," was highly influential in shaping legal thought and governance. It provided guidance on English common law and the principles of legal rights and individual liberties. This publication had a significant impact on the development of self-government.

2. The Columbian Exchange: The Columbian Exchange refers to the widespread exchange of goods, ideas, technology, and diseases between Europe and the Americas following Christopher Columbus' discovery. While this exchange had profound effects on various aspects of life, it cannot be directly attributed to the influences on self-government.

3. English Bill of Rights: The English Bill of Rights, passed in 1689, was a crucial document that limited the powers of the English monarchy and established certain civil rights for citizens. It laid the foundation for constitutional governance, the rule of law, and individual liberties. Thus, it played a significant role in influencing self-government.

4. Poor Richard's Almanac: Poor Richard's Almanac was an annual publication attributed to Benjamin Franklin during the 18th century. It contained various practical advice, proverbs, and witty sayings. While it had an impact on American culture and provided guidance in personal and societal matters, it was not directly influential on the development of self-government.

Based on the explanations provided above, the influences on self-government would be Commentaries on the Laws of England and the English Bill of Rights.