What was the main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America%3F (1 point) Responses To find gold To find gold To spread Catholicism To spread Catholicism To increase wealth through mercantilism To increase wealth through mercantilism To build a strong alliance with the Spanish

To increase wealth through mercantilism

The main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America was to increase wealth through mercantilism.

The main reason for British exploration and colonization of North America was to increase wealth through mercantilism. To verify this answer, one can consult various historical sources such as books, articles, and documents that discuss the motives behind British exploration and colonization during the 16th and 17th centuries. These sources provide insights into the economic and political factors that drove the British to establish colonies in North America in order to exploit its resources, establish trade routes, and expand their influence in the New World. By researching primary and secondary sources, one can gather evidence and draw conclusions about the primary motivations for British exploration and colonization in North America.