Which of the following were main reasons for European exploration of the Americas? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

A. to spread Christianity in North America

B. to stop the use of slave labor

C. to learn Native American languages

D. to increase trade opportunities

E. to punish prisoners

The correct answers are A. to spread Christianity in North America and D. to increase trade opportunities.

What role did the English privateers play in challenging Spain's empire?

(1 point)

A. They raided Spanish colonial settlements.

B. They fought destructive battles in Spain on England's behalf.

C. They seized territory in the Americas for England's colonial possessions.

D. They stole the contents of Spanish ships.

The correct answer is D. They stole the contents of Spanish ships.

The two correct answers for the main reasons for European exploration of the Americas are:

A. to spread Christianity in North America

D. to increase trade opportunities