10. What are the action and reaction forces at work in this picture?

1 point
Captionless Image
a the book is pushing on the table and the table is pushing on the book
b gravity is pulling the book downward
c the flower vase is pushing up and gravity is pulling down
d friction is pushing up and gravity is pulling down

a the book is pushing on the table and the table is pushing on the book

The captionless image does not provide specific information about the forces at work.

To determine the action and reaction forces at work in the picture, we can analyze the objects and their interactions with each other.

In option a, it states that the book is pushing on the table and the table is pushing on the book. This is correct because when the book is placed on the table, it exerts a downward force on the table due to its weight. As a reaction to that, the table exerts an upward force on the book, supporting its weight. So, option a is one of the correct choices.

Option b mentions that gravity is pulling the book downward. This is true as well. Gravity is an external force that acts on all objects with mass, pulling them towards the center of the Earth. So, the force of gravity is indeed pulling the book downward.

Option c states that the flower vase is pushing up and gravity is pulling down. However, the picture does not show a flower vase, and the gravitational force is not directly related to the objects shown in the image. Therefore, option c does not apply to the given picture.

Option d mentions that friction is pushing up and gravity is pulling down. While friction can exist between the book and the table, the picture does not provide any evidence or context to determine the presence of friction. Additionally, the gravitational force is unrelated to friction. So, option d is not correct for the given picture.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option a: the book is pushing on the table and the table is pushing on the book. Additionally, it is also true that gravity is pulling the book downward.