Which is an example of informal language?(1 point)


getting into
getting into

finding out
finding out

being interested in
being interested in


getting into

getting into

To identify the example of informal language, we can analyze the given responses. Informal language typically includes colloquial or conversational expressions that are more relaxed and less formal than standard or academic language.

Looking at the given options:
1. "getting into" - This is an example of informal language. This phrase is a colloquial expression commonly used in casual conversation.

2. "finding out" - This is a neutral expression and does not necessarily lean toward informal language.

3. "being interested in" - This is a neutral expression and does not necessarily lean toward informal language.

4. "discovering" - This is a neutral expression and does not necessarily lean toward informal language.

Therefore, the example of informal language among the given options is "getting into."