Which scenario about books represents finding the difference?(1 point)


finding the location of a book in a store

finding the type of books in a store

finding the total number of books in a store when new books arrive

finding the number of books remaining after a sale on books


finding the number of books remaining after a sale on books

Application of Subtracting Rational Numbers Quick Check

1. Which context describes a difference of rational numbers?
-- comparing the daily high temperature and low temperature
2. Which scenario about books represents finding the difference?
-- finding the number of books remaining after a sale on books
3. The temperature on Monday is −4°C. On Tuesday, it is 13° colder. What is the temperature on Tuesday?
-- −17°C
4. Ping dove off a 10 meter platform. He reached a depth of 6 meters in the water. What was the change in height?
-- 16 meters
5. A parasail is 120 of a meter above the water. Then, after 10 minutes, the parasail is 150
of a meter above the water. What is the change in height?
-- 3/100 meter
Taken September 2023

Finding the number of books remaining after a sale on books is the scenario that represents finding the difference.

The scenario that represents finding the difference is "finding the number of books remaining after a sale on books".

To understand why this scenario represents finding the difference, let's break it down:

- In this scenario, there is a sale on books, which means some books are being sold or taken away.
- To find the number of books remaining, we need to subtract the quantity of books sold or taken away from the total number of books before the sale.
- The result of this subtraction calculation represents the difference between the original quantity and the reduced quantity, or in other words, the number of books that are no longer available.

So, when we talk about finding the difference in the context of books, it refers to determining the change in quantity after an event such as a sale. Therefore, the scenario of finding the number of books remaining after a sale represents finding the difference.