What are the words that can solder cracked pride

Choose the meaning of the bold word
1. mend
2. alert
3, calm
4. upset

1. mend

1. mend

To determine the meaning of the bold word "solder" in the context of "solder cracked pride," we can use the following steps:

1. Look for clues within the given sentence: "solder cracked pride." While the phrase "cracked pride" indicates something is broken or damaged, the word "solder" is the key here.

2. Consult a dictionary: According to the dictionary, "solder" is a noun or a verb commonly used in the context of metalworking. It refers to a metal alloy used to join or mend metal parts together by melting it and allowing it to solidify.

3. Analyze the options: The options provided are "mend," "alert," "calm," and "upset." Considering the meaning of "solder" as a metalworking term and the context of "cracked pride," the best choice is "mend."

Therefore, the meaning of the bold word "solder" in this context is "mend."