Choose the meaning of the bold work

On the topmost branch a bird the size of a chicken with scarlet feathers and long legs was perched precariously
1. oddly
2. Insecurely
3. enthusiastically
4. for all to see

2. Insecurely

The meaning of the bold word "precariously" is 2. Insecurely. The bird was perched in a way that made it seem unsteady or unstable.

The meaning of the bold word "precariously" in the given sentence is "insecurely." To determine the meaning of a word, it is helpful to look for context clues within the surrounding sentence or passage. In this case, the sentence describes the bird as being perched "precariously" on the topmost branch. This suggests that the bird is not stable or securely positioned. The word "precariously" typically implies an uncertain or unstable situation, which aligns with the bird's position on the branch.