Choose the meaning of the bold word

The ugliness they left was palpable.
1. able to be felt
2. strange
3. hurtful

1. able to be felt

The meaning of the bold word "palpable" in this sentence is 1. able to be felt.

The meaning of the bold word "palpable" in the given sentence is 1. able to be felt.

To arrive at this answer, you can break down the sentence and understand the context. The sentence states "The ugliness they left was palpable." In this context, the word "palpable" suggests that the ugliness left behind by someone or something is so intense or noticeable that it can be felt or sensed.

To further confirm this meaning, you can also consult a dictionary for definitions of the word "palpable." According to most dictionary sources, "palpable" means capable of being touched or felt; easily perceived or noticed; tangible or substantial. This aligns with the interpretation of the word as "able to be felt" in the given sentence.