In Spanish-language soap operas, affection between family and friends is never expressed.

this is what i found in my book:
"En las telenovelas en español también se expresa muy abiertamente el cariño (affection) entre parientes y amigos..."

i don't understand what this says :(

Which words do you understand?

in the soap operas in spanish also express very (abiertamente??) affection between relative and friends

oh, i think i just answered the question



aha! Affection is freely expressed. In fact, many Americans believe their space is invaded because it's a custom to stand quite close to the person with whom you are speaking. Actually, backing up is an insult!


According to the information you provided from your book, it says that in Spanish-language soap operas, affection between family and friends is actually expressed openly.

Let's break down the sentence:
"En las telenovelas en español" - This translates to "In Spanish-language soap operas."
"también se expresa muy abiertamente" - This translates to "affection is also expressed very openly" or "affection is also shown openly."
"el cariño entre parientes y amigos" - This translates to "affection between relatives and friends."

Therefore, the statement in your book contradicts the claim made in the initial question. In Spanish-language soap operas, affection between family and friends is expressed.