True or False: During adolescence, your self-esteem may influence you to choose other friends or reject the friends you’ve had for years.

(1 point)



Can you help Kai

Of course! I'd be happy to help Kai. What do they need assistance with?

Which of the following behaviors might help you maintain good emotional and mental health?

(1 point)

completing your homework
completing your homework

keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests
keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests

maintaining friendships with people who really know you
maintaining friendships with people who really know you
keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people

The behaviors that might help you maintain good emotional and mental health are:

- completing your homework
- keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests
- maintaining friendships with people who really know you

Keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people may not be beneficial for your emotional and mental health. It is important to have a support system and engage in social interactions.

Only two allowed

If only two behaviors are allowed, then the two behaviors that might help maintain good emotional and mental health are:

- completing your homework
- maintaining friendships with people who really know you

Both completing homework and maintaining strong connections with understanding friends can contribute to a positive sense of accomplishment, support, and overall mental well-being.

You decide you are going to make more responsible health decisions. Which of the following risk factors can you control?

(1 point)

Unintentional accidents are the leading cause of death for teens.
Unintentional accidents are the leading cause of death for teens.

There is a history of heart disease in your family.
There is a history of heart disease in your family.

There is a higher incidence of high blood pressure in your ethnic group.
There is a higher incidence of high blood pressure in your ethnic group.

Your friends have recently started smoking.

The risk factor that you can control in this scenario is:

- Your friends have recently started smoking.

While unintentional accidents, family history of heart disease, and higher incidence of high blood pressure in your ethnic group are factors that you cannot control, you have control over your own decisions and choices. In this case, you can choose not to start smoking and make responsible health decisions for yourself.

No I will not help so if you get it incorrect to bad