A similarity between the ancient African kingdoms and Mali, Ghana, and Songhai is that these kingdoms..

A - Limited the power of their rulers.

B - Practiced Christianity.

Established economies based on trade.

Isolated themselves from contact with other cultures.

C. Established economies based on trade.

C. Established economies based on trade.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the similarities between the ancient African kingdoms and the specific kingdoms mentioned, such as Mali, Ghana, and Songhai. First, let's examine each option:

A. Limited the power of their rulers: This statement could be true for some African kingdoms but not necessarily for all of them, including Mali, Ghana, and Songhai. These particular kingdoms were renowned for their powerful rulers, such as Mansa Musa of Mali. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer.

B. Practiced Christianity: The ancient African kingdoms, including Mali, Ghana, and Songhai, were predominantly Islamic. Islam was introduced to the Sudanic region of West Africa through trade and conquest, particularly during the Trans-Saharan trade routes. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

C. Established economies based on trade: This statement accurately reflects the economic system of these kingdoms. Mali, Ghana, and Songhai were all prosperous and renowned for their involvement in long-distance trade exchanges. They accumulated wealth through control of valuable trade routes, such as the gold-salt trade. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

D. Isolated themselves from contact with other cultures: On the contrary, these kingdoms actively engaged in trade with other cultures and civilizations. They were well-connected with the outside world through the Trans-Saharan trade routes, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural influences. Therefore, option D is not the correct answer.

In conclusion, the correct answer is C - Established economies based on trade.