Which of the following is a basic word part that comes from another language?(1 point)







The correct answer is "affix." An affix is a word part, either a prefix or a suffix, that is added to a base word to create a new word or change the meaning of the base word. Affixes can come from other languages and are often used to form words in English. Therefore, "affix" is the basic word part that comes from another language.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what each term means and their origins.

A root is a basic word part that contains the core meaning of a word. It is usually derived from another language, such as Latin or Greek. So option one may be correct.

A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a root word. It can change the meaning or function of the word. Suffixes can also come from other languages, but they are not considered basic word parts. Therefore, option two is not the correct answer.

A prefix is a word part that is added to the beginning of a root word. It can also change the meaning or function of the word. Like suffixes, prefixes can come from other languages, but they are not considered basic word parts either. Hence, option three is not the answer.

The term "affix" is a general term that refers to either a prefix or a suffix. It can come from another language, but it doesn't specifically indicate a basic word part. Thus, option four is not the correct answer.

Based on this explanation, the correct answer is option one, root, as it is a basic word part that comes from another language.