Which narrative device is the author using in the line "She thought back to the moment that had led to her current situation"?


A. Flashback

The narrative device being used in the line "She thought back to the moment that had led to her current situation" is A. Flashback.

The narrative device being used in the line "She thought back to the moment that had led to her current situation" is flashback.

A flashback is a literary technique that interrupts the chronological order of a story, taking the reader back to an earlier time or event. In this case, the author is using the line to indicate that the character is reminiscing about a past event that is relevant to the current situation.

To identify the narrative device being used in a line or passage, you can consider the context and language used. In this case, the words "thought back" suggest a reflection on the past, indicating a flashback. By analyzing the words and phrases used by the author, you can accurately identify the narrative device employed in a text.