Which narrative device is the author using in the line "She thought back to the moment that had led to her current situation"?


A. Flashback

The narrative device used in the line "She thought back to the moment that had led to her current situation" is A. Flashback.

To determine which narrative device is being used in the line "She thought back to the moment that had led to her current situation," we need to understand the definition and purpose of each narrative device listed.

A. Flashback: A flashback is when the writer interrupts the chronological sequence of events to go back to an earlier time in order to provide additional background information or context.

B. Foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is a literary technique where the writer hints or suggests future events or developments in the story.

C. Dialogue: Dialogue refers to a conversation between two or more characters in a literary work.

D. Setting: Setting refers to the time, place, and social context in which a story takes place.

Based on the definitions provided, we can eliminate options C (Dialogue) and D (Setting) since they are not relevant to the specific line mentioned in the question.

To determine if the line uses a flashback or foreshadowing, we need to consider the context in which the line appears. Since the character is "thinking back to a moment that had led to her current situation," it indicates that the line is referencing a past event that has already occurred. Therefore, the author is using a flashback.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is:

A. Flashback.