What is meant by the basic principle popular sovereignty? (1 point) Responses The government is set up as a constitutional republic. The government is set up as a constitutional republic. The people have the right to alter their government. The people have the right to alter their government. Congress has the right to regulate trade. Congress has the right to regulate trade. The president has the right to veto any bill that Congress has passed.

The people have the right to alter their government.

The basic principle of popular sovereignty refers to the idea that the people have the right to alter their government. This means that the power to govern comes from the consent of the people, who have the authority to change or modify their government as they see fit. It is a democratic principle that emphasizes the ultimate authority and control of the government lying with the people.

The basic principle of popular sovereignty refers to the idea that the power and authority of the government ultimately resides with the people. It means that the people have the right to govern themselves, either directly or through elected representatives. This principle is often associated with democracy, where the citizens participate in decision-making processes and have the ability to influence the government's actions.

To understand the meaning of popular sovereignty, it is important to consider the context of the response options you provided. Among the responses you listed, the one that best captures the concept of popular sovereignty is: "The people have the right to alter their government." This statement reflects the idea that the people have the ultimate power to determine or change the structure, policies, and leadership of their government.

However, the other response options you provided, such as "The government is set up as a constitutional republic" or "Congress has the right to regulate trade," do not directly address the concept of popular sovereignty. While a constitutional republic may be a form of government that can accommodate popular sovereignty, it does not entirely capture this principle. Likewise, the idea of Congress regulating trade is more related to governmental powers rather than the concept of popular sovereignty.

Therefore, to better understand the principle of popular sovereignty, it is important to recognize that it emphasizes the people's right and ability to alter their government. This can be achieved through various means, such as elections, protests, or the amending of constitutions.