Match the disease by the type of pathogen.(6 points)

Virus Bacteria Fungus
Chicken pox
Virus – Chicken pox
Bacteria – Chicken pox
Fungus – Chicken pox
Virus – Flu
Bacteria – Flu
Fungus – Flu
Common cold
Virus – Common cold
Bacteria – Common cold
Fungus – Common cold
Pink eye
Virus – Pink eye
Bacteria – Pink eye
Fungus – Pink eye
Athlete's foot
Virus – Athlete's foot
Bacteria – Athlete's foot
Fungus – Athlete's foot
Strep throat

Virus – Strep throat

Bacteria – Strep throat
Fungus – Strep throat

Virus – Strep throat

Bacteria – Strep throat
Fungus – Strep throat

Virus – Strep throat

Bacteria – Strep throat
Fungus – Strep throat

To match the disease with the type of pathogen, you need to know the pathogens that typically cause each disease. Here's how you can determine the correct match for each disease:

1. Chicken pox: Chicken pox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Therefore, the correct match would be "Virus – Chicken pox."

2. Flu: The flu, also known as influenza, is caused by various strains of the influenza virus. Hence, the correct match would be "Virus – Flu."

3. Common cold: The common cold is mostly caused by rhinoviruses. So, the correct match would be "Virus – Common cold."

4. Pink eye: Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. However, viral conjunctivitis is more common. Therefore, the correct match would be "Virus – Pink eye."

5. Athlete's foot: Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that typically affects the skin on the feet. Hence, the correct match would be "Fungus – Athlete's foot."

6. Strep throat: Strep throat is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. Therefore, the correct match would be "Bacteria – Strep throat."

By understanding the specific pathogens associated with each disease, you can match them with the appropriate type of pathogen – virus, bacteria, or fungus.