
Funny bacteria that produces substance toxin to the body

class of drugs that destroy disease causing microorganisms called

prevents a person from constructing Pacific disease

medicine that suppresses a virus but do not sill it

medicine that are dispensed only with written approval of license physician or nurse practitioner

the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance the person's physical and mental control is significantly reduced

the body becomes used to the effect of Medicine

suppress or kill fungus cells

a drug that slows the Central nerve system

drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at one setting

substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind

1. Toxin-producing bacteria: This refers to bacteria that produce substances (toxins) that are harmful to the body.

2. Antibiotics: Antibiotics are a class of drugs that destroy disease-causing microorganisms (such as bacteria) in the body.

3. Pacific disease: There seems to be a typo in the question, but assuming it is referring to a specific disease, antibiotics can help prevent a person from contracting certain diseases.

4. Antiviral medication: This is a medicine that suppresses a virus but does not kill it. It helps to reduce the symptoms and spread of the viral infection.

5. Prescription medication: These are medicines that can only be dispensed with a written approval (prescription) from a licensed physician or nurse practitioner. This ensures proper and controlled use of the medication.

6. Intoxication: Intoxication refers to the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, leading to a significant reduction in physical and mental control.

7. Tolerance: Tolerance is a phenomenon where the body becomes used to the effects of a medicine, requiring higher doses to achieve the same therapeutic effect.

8. Antifungal medication: This type of medication suppresses or kills fungus cells, helping to treat fungal infections.

9. Sedative: A sedative is a drug that slows down the central nervous system, inducing relaxation and sleepiness.

10. Binge drinking: Binge drinking is defined as consuming five or more alcoholic drinks at one setting. It is considered a risky behavior with potential negative health consequences.

11. Drug: A drug is a substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind.

answer the question

1. Toxin-producing bacteria: These bacteria produce substances (toxins) that are harmful to the body. They can cause various illnesses or infections.

2. Antibiotics: Antibiotics are a class of drugs that destroy disease-causing microorganisms, such as bacteria. They are commonly used to treat bacterial infections.
3. Pacific disease: It is unclear what "Pacific disease" refers to. If it is a specific disease, antibiotics may be used to help prevent or treat it, depending on the type of infection.
4. Antiviral medication: This type of medication suppresses the replication and spread of viruses in the body. They are used to treat viral infections but do not eliminate the virus completely.
5. Prescription medication: These are medicines that can only be obtained with a written prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. They are regulated to ensure proper dosage and usage.
6. Intoxication: Intoxication occurs when the body is significantly impaired due to alcohol or substance consumption. It affects physical coordination, mental function, and judgment.
7. Tolerance: Tolerance refers to the body becoming accustomed to the effects of a medication, requiring higher doses over time to achieve the same level of effectiveness.
8. Antifungal medication: These medications are used to suppress or kill fungal cells and treat fungal infections, such as yeast infections or athlete's foot.
9. Sedative: A sedative is a medication that causes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and slows down the central nervous system. They are often used to induce sleep or decrease agitation.
10. Binge drinking: Binge drinking refers to the consumption of a large amount of alcohol in a short period, typically five or more drinks for men and four or more drinks for women. It can lead to health risks and alcohol poisoning.
11. Drug: In a medical context, a drug is a substance, other than food, that alters the structure or function of the body or mind. Medications, illicit drugs, and recreational substances can all be classified as drugs.

Antibiotic: "Funny bacteria that produces substance toxin to the body"

An antibiotic is not a type of bacteria, but a type of medication or drug. It is used to treat bacterial infections in the body. Antibiotics work by either killing the bacteria or inhibiting their growth, thereby helping the body's immune system to fight off the infection.

To get the answer: You can use search engines like Google to look up the definition of antibiotics or consult medical reference books for a more detailed explanation.

Class of drugs that destroy disease causing microorganisms called: "Class of drugs that destroy disease-causing microorganisms called antibiotics"

The correct term for drugs that destroy disease-causing microorganisms is antibiotics. Antibiotics are specifically designed to target and eliminate bacteria that cause illnesses and infections in the body.

To get the answer: You can refer to medical textbooks, online medical resources, or consult a healthcare professional for accurate information.

Prevents a person from constructing Pacific disease: "Prevents a person from contracting specific diseases"

Some medicines, such as vaccines or antiviral drugs, can help prevent or reduce the risk of contracting specific diseases. Vaccines introduce a weakened or killed form of a disease-causing organism into the body, training the immune system to recognize and fight off future infections. Antiviral drugs specifically target viruses to either suppress their replication or reduce the severity of symptoms.

To get the answer: You can consult medical resources, read up on vaccinations and preventive medications, or seek advice from healthcare professionals.

Medicine that suppresses a virus but does not kill it: "Antiviral medication"

Antiviral medications are a type of medicine designed to suppress the activity or replication of viruses within the body. Unlike antibiotics, which can kill bacteria, antivirals mainly work by inhibiting the viral replication process, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms and improving recovery time.

To get the answer: You can look up information on antiviral medications in medical resources, or consult healthcare professionals for further details.

Medicine that is dispensed only with written approval of a licensed physician or nurse practitioner: "Prescription medication"

Prescription medications are drugs that require a written prescription from a licensed healthcare professional, such as a physician or nurse practitioner, before they can be obtained. This is to ensure that the medication is appropriate for the patient's condition and is administered safely and effectively.

To get the answer: You can refer to healthcare guidelines and regulations, consult medical resources, or seek advice from healthcare professionals.

The state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person's physical and mental control is significantly reduced: "Intoxication"

Intoxication refers to a state where a person's body is poisoned or impaired by the ingestion of alcohol or other substances, leading to significant impairment of physical and mental control. This can manifest as slurred speech, impaired coordination, altered judgment, and other symptoms.

To get the answer: You can consult medical resources or search for definitions of intoxication in reputable dictionaries or psychological references.

The body becomes used to the effect of medicine: "Developing tolerance"

When the body becomes tolerant to the effects of a medication, it means that it has adapted to the presence of the drug, and the initial therapeutic dose may no longer produce the same desired effect. This can require an increase in dosage or a change in the medication to maintain its effectiveness.

To get the answer: You can look up the concept of developing tolerance in medical textbooks or search for reliable sources that explain drug tolerance.

Suppress or kill fungus cells: "Antifungal medication"

Antifungal medications are drugs specifically designed to either suppress the growth or kill fungi within the body. These medications can be used to treat various fungal infections, ranging from superficial skin infections, such as athlete's foot or yeast infections, to systemic infections affecting internal organs.

To get the answer: You can refer to medical resources, search for information on antifungal medications, or consult healthcare professionals.

A drug that slows the central nervous system: "Depressant"

A depressant is a type of drug that slows down or depresses the activity of the central nervous system. Depressants can induce relaxation, sedation, and decrease alertness by decreasing the function of the brain and nerve activity. Examples of depressant drugs include alcohol, tranquilizers, and sedatives.

To get the answer: You can learn about depressant drugs in medical references, including pharmacology textbooks or consult healthcare professionals.

Drinking five or more alcoholic drinks at one setting: "Binge drinking"

Binge drinking refers to the consumption of a large amount of alcohol within a short period, typically involving five or more drinks for men or four or more drinks for women within a couple of hours. Binge drinking can lead to acute intoxication, impaired judgment, increased health risks, and potential alcohol poisoning.

To get the answer: You can refer to reputable sources on alcohol consumption and its effects, such as medical guidelines or alcohol-related literature.

Substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind: "Drug"

A drug refers to any substance, excluding food, that alters or affects the structure or function of the body or mind when introduced into the system. Drugs can have various purposes, including medicinal, therapeutic, or recreational uses. They can be prescribed by healthcare professionals for specific medical conditions or used illegally for recreational purposes.

To get the answer: You can search for the definition of drugs in medical or pharmacology references or consult healthcare professionals for a more comprehensive understanding.