
Choose the best answer.

The building of businesses and enterprises by private investors is called _________.


free enterprise



The best answer is entrepreneurship.

The correct answer is entrepreneurship.

The best answer to the question is entrepreneurship.

To determine the answer, you can analyze the given options and identify the most appropriate term.

Entrepreneurship refers to the process of starting, organizing, and managing a business or enterprise with the aim of making a profit. It involves the creation and development of new ventures by private individuals or groups who take on risks and make investments in order to establish and grow their businesses. It is centered around the concept of innovation, where entrepreneurs bring new ideas, products, or services to the market.

Free enterprise, on the other hand, is an economic system characterized by private ownership of businesses and minimal government intervention. While it is related to entrepreneurship, it is a broader term that encompasses the overall framework within which businesses operate.

Capitalism refers to an economic system where the means of production and distribution are primarily privately owned. It allows for a free market system and individual economic freedom, which can support entrepreneurship. However, capitalism is not limited to just entrepreneurship and encompasses various other aspects of the economy.

Monopolies, on the contrary, represent a market structure where a single company or entity dominates the market by controlling the supply of a particular product or service. This is different from the concept of entrepreneurship as it focuses more on the concentration of market power rather than the establishment and growth of new businesses.

Therefore, when considering the given options, entrepreneurship is the most suitable term to describe the building of businesses and enterprises by private investors.